Pluperfect – Concordance des temps – Révisions : 3eme Secondaire – PDF à imprimer

Exercices à imprimer pour la 3eme Secondaire – Pluperfect – Concordance des temps – Anglais

1/ Mets les phrases suivantes au style direct(Turn the following indirect speech sentences into direct speech sentences).

Gabriel said he had bought a new bike the week before.

Gabriel said: “________________________________________________________”

The police asked the suspect where he had slept the night before.

The police asked the suspect: “________________________________________________________?”

My dad asked my best friend if she had already visited London.

My dad asked my best friend: “__________________________________________________?”

She answered she had never been to England.

She answered: “________________________________________________________”

2/ Remets les mots dans le bon ordre pour former une phrase cohérente (Put the words into the right order to make a meaningful sentence).

you your passport hadn’t If forgotten, with us you come have would.

had harder Talia worked If, she test have would her passed.

been Michael Jackson If less had hypochondriac, alive be maybe would he.

on If moon Neil Armstrong hadn’t the walked, we this a know about satellite lot wouldn’t.

3/ Traduis les phrases suivantes (Translate the following sentences).

Si j’avais eu de l’argent, j’aurais acheté une nouvelle robe. ___________________________________

Si Harry Potter était resté à Londres, il n’aurait jamais rencontré ses amis, Hermione et Ron.

Si les français n’avaient pas donné la Louisiane aux Etats-Unis, ce serait toujours un territoire (=territory) français.

Si Helen avait épousé (=get married) Elliot, nous serions devenus cousins.

Pluperfect – Concordance des temps : 3eme Secondaire – Révisions   rtf

Pluperfect – Concordance des temps : 3eme Secondaire – Révisions   pdf


Correction – Pluperfect – Concordance des temps : 3eme Secondaire – Révisions   pdf

Exercices en ligne : Grammaire - Anglais : 3eme Secondaire